Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jim and Casper Go To Church

I just finished reading a book written by an atheist and a Christian. They embarked on a fascinating journey across the country to visit 12 churches- some well-known, and some hardly known. The book documents their experiences and reactions to each church. Many Christians have grown up in the church and have no idea how non-Christian guest might interpret what they see or hear at a worship service. What are Christians doing right? What do we need to do better? Casper, an ordinary atheist agrees to engage in these conversations with Jim, an experienced Christian leader. Casper didn't seem impressed with the polished productions of churches like Saddleback and Willow Creek. Instead he seems impressed with churches like Lawndale (in Chicago) who are deeply invested in their community. After all, he said, "if you are going to be a community church (or neighborhood church), serve your community." He explains that even though he doesn't believe in God, he sees evidence of the idea of God being a good thing at churches like Lawndale. Casper had seen and experienced over and over (in big churches and small ones) what Christians do when they "do church." The greet-sing-preach-collect-present form played out the same in every church. Yet, Casper could not imagine Jesus telling his followers that the most important thing they should be doing is holding services. Did Jesus really care about church services? Or did he care about loving and serving others and introducing people to a personal God who not only loves them but more important, likes them. Casper ends the book by asking an intriguing question, "What does the way Christianity is practiced today have to do with the handful of words and deeds uttered by a man who walked the earth two thousand years ago?" If you are looking for a book that makes you think about the way we have "always done church", I highly recommend this quick read. Based on the questions posed to me, I'm looking forward even more to the upcoming fall series at NC in which we will be looking back to the book of Acts and discussing together as a church family what God created the Church to look like.


Neighborhood Church said...

What's up friend? I am most jealous of you this week. You get to check out the Flood and Shamu...very cool!
My question for you is, if what Casper calls the "greet-sing-preach-collect" model is not church as Christ had envisioned but it is a tradition that we have inherited and that has been going on for 1,500+ do we change that tradition? How do we change "church" culture? How do we remind people of what Jesus intended for the church?

Anonymous said...

I think I'm going to have to read that book Kelly. brings up some good questions. Thanks for sharing .. I think churches do have to change, people don't like change. So it won't be easy.. But that doesn't mean we don't try.
God has a plan for us.. hopefully we are listening!! Mike K.