Hi- this is Bradyn. We went to San Diego a couple of days ago. It took a long time to get there. But when we got there we checked into our hotel. And after the night-time, we went to Sea World the next day. And after Sea World, we went back to our hotel. And then we went to sleep. And then in the morning, we used the pool. And after the pool we to the beach. It was lots of fun! And after the beach it was kind of embarrassing because we went to an Ice Cream shop and we were all sandy and wet. And then we went back to the hotel and dad went to the church. And at the night-time, we went to the church. It was pretty boring. Then we drove home and I was happy to be home because I really missed Chloe (our dog). I missed my stuffed animals. Now that we are back, I'm looking forward to Thailand and I'm happy to share my story with you. I'm going to miss you- good-bye! Love Bradyn.
Braydon: Sounds like you had a good time in San Diego. I know you are looking forward to the trip to Thailand and Grandpa and Grandma Thomas will be praying for you and your family while you are there. But remember, we pray for you every day even when you are at home.
Love Grandpa and Grandma Thomas
Hi Bradyn this is Mrs. Seymore! Sounds like you are having a great summer! Thailand! Wow! I can't wait to read about your adventure! Have fun! See you the first day of Kindergarten!
Mrs. Seymore
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