Monday, July 28, 2008
Karena's Last Thailand Reflections

Francis Chan

I continued south toward Simi Valley after visiting a church in Bakersfield Sunday morning. I was extremely excited about attending a 5pm service at Cornerstone Church. Why? Because Francis Chan, who has long been one of my favorite speakers, founded the church. Francis is a radical and a non-conformist. He tired of playing church games and is not afraid to say the hard things that Christ followers need to hear even when they aren't popular and fly in the face of popular western thought. Despite the wealth in Simi Valley, the church is remarkably simple and basic. From what I hear, that stems from their intentional decision to invest half of their yearly budget back into their community and world. They now run 4 Sunday services in a building smaller than the gym at Neighborhood and are very cramped for space. In response they entered a building campaign. Interestingly enough, after deciding that 50% of all commitments would be invested back in their community and world, they also decided not to build a large, expensive worship center. Instead, they are looking at building an outdoor amphitheater that will be a fraction of the cost. Granted, they are blessed with Southern Cal weather, but I mention their decision as an example of their desire to turn outwardly and reveal the love of Jesus to those outside their church family. Back to the service- Francis and his wife Lisa spoke on I Corinthians 7:29-35, a passage normally aimed at single people. However, their message was also about marriage. If you are putting a lot of time and effort into your marriage but your spouse just isn't who you want them to be, let me encourage you to listen to the message on-line (you can find it on http://www.cornerstonesimi.com/ under the quick-links to the sermons- "Christ Centered Relationships Part 1"- July 27th).
Sunday, July 27, 2008
A Church Visit to Bakersfield

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Home: Safe, Sound, and Tired
We're back in Visalia! We arrived home safely this morning at 1:30 PST. We'll take the next couple of days to recover from jet-lag before I continue my reading list and visit a few more churches this weekend. Thanks for all your prayers!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Church Under the Big-Top!
In one of my earlier blogs, I mentioned that TLC had put up a tent in order to accommodate their growth. I took a short video that you can watch giving you an idea of what their services are like. They are located along a busy street so they get a lot of people passing by and stopping to see where all the noise is coming from. As we were singing a song in Thai (that I also knew in English) I couldn't help but smile as God gave me a small but powerful glimpse of heaven- "After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the lamb." Rev. 7:9
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Payton and the Crocodile Egg

Baby Tigers--Ashlyn

At the Tiger Zoo we got to take a picture with a baby tiger. The tiger was so cute and was as small as a kitten. I was very lucky to get to hold it, probably because I was the most excited to.
(people in picture, left to right: Karena, Conner, Bradyn, Kelly, Ashlyn(me), Payton, Isaac, Carmen and Sam)
Payton and the Orangutans

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Mountain Farming

Gardening Sins
A pastor's testimony

Donated by Neighborhood and Christian Cinema
Me Khong River
Elephant Rides

Rice Fields
Sunday, July 13, 2008
TLC Staff Meeting
The other day I had a chance to help lead a portion of TLC's staff meeting. I led a brief devotional on Ephesians 4 and then talked a little about what Neighborhood is doing in the area of leadership development. Team 2000 has developed a group of what we call "elders" as they aim to develop strong Thai leadership. They have recently begun to wrestle with what the staff and elder relationship might look like. I see huge potential that God has brought to TLC. Please pray for them as they work on developing these men and women into godly leaders. Oh- by the way- for NC staff that read this blog- their meeting only lasted about 1 1/2 hours. Much too short for Neighborhood's standards! Continue to feel "blessed" that we get to enjoy each others company for at least 3 hours!!!!
Break Dancing Ministry
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Kelly and the King

I'm standing in front of a picture of the King of Thailand at a local hardware/grocery store. The King is a very admired and respected figure in this country. In nearly every house and store there's a picture of the King (very similar to what you see in the United States with Pres. Bush- oh wait, maybe not).
HIV Orphanage

Organizing Curriculum --Ashlyn

Yesterday I helped organize some of the stuff for kids church. It was kind of like Neighborhood Church's resource room. We had to make it look and be organized like that. There were many different things to do. Other people were helping too. First, I arranged felt people and put them into bags according to their category. Then, I helped cut out stickers to give away as prizes. Other people(including my mom) helped by putting pencils in boxes, scissors in boxes, throwing away stuff that the children's ministry didn't need...etc.
Tent Revival

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Teaching English-Part 2 (Ashlyn)

Yesterday my mom, my dad, and Carmen taught an English class at the church. There were about 15 kids there ages 6-20! They know some basic words like family words, places ...etc. They were very polite. We introduced ourselves and they said "nice to meet you" in English. The kids knew enough English that we could talk in English. First, we played hang man. The words were "mother, sister, cousin, Thailand, and children." They were divided up into 2 teams. Team 2 won by one point! After that, we showed them pictures of our house, school, church...etc. Then, we got into 4 groups. One group my mom lead, one my dad lead, one Carmen lead, and one group the original teacher of the class and I lead. We asked questions and had them work on there pronunciation of the words they had already learned. We had them ask us "what is your name", "How old are you", and "Where are you from." We helped them say it better. Then the class was done. I think they have an English class because a lot of people in Thailand speak English too.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Teaching English

Monkey Attack!

Last night we visited a zoo in Chon Buri with the Owens. We had planned a picnic and then a "night Safari" (they take you around in little shuttle buses and point out the animals with a big spot light). We had some time to kill before the Safari started so we bought a couple of bags of cucumbers, bananas, and beans to feed the animals. We started out feeding the deer with some beans. It was some-what of an "open zoo" so the deer had some freedom to roam around the place. They came right up and ate out of our hand. It was a wonderful experience for the kids. We then threw some cucumbers off a bridge to some awaiting hippos. I had saved some bananas for the giraffes and zebras. As we walked up to their area I noticed some monkeys walking around by us. I had been warned that they could be very aggressive, but as I looked at a couple, they seemed so cute. As they came closer I noticed them eying my bananas. Before I could say "killer monkeys," I had been surrounded by about 50 of them. It was me against them. I was determined to feed the giraffes and not them. Surely they wouldn't harm their close relative? However, when a big possessed male came up right in front of me and showed his pearly whites with a hiss, I quickly lost all bowel control and thew them the rest of my bananas as both families ran full-speed the other way. Obviously, because I'm writing this blog, we survived. But one thing is true, I will never look at those cute little demon possessed monkeys the same.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sunday Worship Service

The service is in Thai but one of the team members translates into a microphone so if you want to listen in English you can sit in the back and use the earphones. The worship team was all Thai people and we sang Mercy is Falling (us in English and everyone else in Thai). That was fun. They also sang other songs that I didn't know. A few people stood up and gave wonderful testimonies how God was working in their life or something amazing He did. There was even a young lady who gave her life to the Lord during the service. Then the pastor dismissed us for Children's Church. Carmen and I and some other young ladies took the children upstairs and had our own time with singing, games, Bible story, scripture time, crafts (Popsicle stick/cotton ball sheep!), snacks. My kids enjoyed the game--charades, the words were animals--so the language difference was not a problem!
(The picture above is Carmen teaching with a young lady named Wow and holding up a picture of the story. These pictures were part of a ton of curriculum and resources donated by Pastor Jayne (Neighborhood's children's pastor) ---Thank you so much!!!)
Children's Church (Karena)

This is a picture of the Thai children copying Romans 6:23 from a huge chalkboard wall at the church. We also "jumped into the light" with a Jana Alayra video (thanks so much Christian Cinema!). It was beautiful to hear their little voices singing praises to Jesus both in English (along with the video) and in Thai.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Quote of the Day
The Grand Palace

Friday, July 4, 2008
We've Arrived!
Hi Everyone- just wanted you to know that we've arrived safely in Thailand. It started out kind of rough when we were delayed at LAX due to a bomb threat, but we end arriving at 1:40am on July 4th (we are 14 hours ahead of PST) in Bangkok. By the time we gathered our bags, went through immigration and drove to our mission's house, we ended up getting to bed at 4am Thai time. I'll write later with more details, but today we toured the city (including the famous Grand Palace). Happy 4th!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Payton's Blog

Wuz up, dudes I'm Payton. A few days a go my family went to San Diego. When we got to San Diego we checked into our hotel and then settled in. The next morning Ashlyn, Bradyn, Dad, and I explored our hotel while my mom was getting ready for the day. After awhile we went to Sea World. At Sea World we went to the dolphin, sea lion, and shamu shows. At the shamu show we sat in the soak zone but we barely got wet. We also got a little wet on the sea lion show. At Sea World we saw the Quinzon's.(who go to our church). The next day our family went to the hotel water park and pool. Then the beach. Once we were done we went back to our hotel while dad got ready to go to a church. But that night my whole family went to church. After church headed home.
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