Friday, July 4, 2008

We've Arrived!

Hi Everyone- just wanted you to know that we've arrived safely in Thailand. It started out kind of rough when we were delayed at LAX due to a bomb threat, but we end arriving at 1:40am on July 4th (we are 14 hours ahead of PST) in Bangkok. By the time we gathered our bags, went through immigration and drove to our mission's house, we ended up getting to bed at 4am Thai time. I'll write later with more details, but today we toured the city (including the famous Grand Palace). Happy 4th!


Anonymous said...

So glad you are there safely. My prayers are with you. Love, Velma

Neighborhood Church said...

Nothing like a bomb threat to keep you on your toes!

Anonymous said...

The adventure begins! I'm glad you've all arrived safely and I'm very excited about being able to follow your experiences through your blog! Payton, I'm wondering how many grasshoppers it takes to fill up a 3rd grade boy!?!