Yesterday I helped organize some of the stuff for kids church. It was kind of like Neighborhood Church's resource room. We had to make it look and be organized like that. There were many different things to do. Other people were helping too. First, I arranged felt people and put them into bags according to their category. Then, I helped cut out stickers to give away as prizes. Other people(including my mom) helped by putting pencils in boxes, scissors in boxes, throwing away stuff that the children's ministry didn't need...etc.
Hannah is still sleeping, but she will love seeing what you are doing in Thailand. She also really loves to organize things, so this would have been a fun job for her to do! Praying for your whole family, sweetie!
In Jesus' Name,
Mrs. Scott
Hi Ashlyn!
It is good to see the future teacher hard at work. Can't wait to hear more about your work there. Take care.
Ms. Maddox
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