Yesterday my mom, my dad, and Carmen taught an English class at the church. There were about 15 kids there ages 6-20! They know some basic words like family words, places ...etc. They were very polite. We introduced ourselves and they said "nice to meet you" in English. The kids knew enough English that we could talk in English. First, we played hang man. The words were "mother, sister, cousin, Thailand, and children." They were divided up into 2 teams. Team 2 won by one point! After that, we showed them pictures of our house, school, church...etc. Then, we got into 4 groups. One group my mom lead, one my dad lead, one Carmen lead, and one group the original teacher of the class and I lead. We asked questions and had them work on there pronunciation of the words they had already learned. We had them ask us "what is your name", "How old are you", and "Where are you from." We helped them say it better. Then the class was done. I think they have an English class because a lot of people in Thailand speak English too.
Ashlyn, Payton and Braydn, Grampa and I are so very proud of you as you help with the stories and teachings that your mom and dad are helping with. We will be eager to hear about all your adventures in Thialand. Love and Prayers, Grandma Galle
How neat, Ashlyn! Is it hard for you to understand the children in Thailand even when they are speaking english? I know that when I have spoken with people in other countries, even if they speak english, it is still very hard for me to understand them, AND for them to understand me.....I think that I talk to fast :)
Sounds like you are having a great time in Thailand, can't wait to hear more when you get back, as well as here on your family's blog.
Love you sweetie!
In Him,
Mrs. Scott
It was kind of difficult because sometimes they didn't pronounce the word correctly. but we helped them do it correctly.
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